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The miracle question

The miracle question is my favorite kind of question.

These question types can reveal what you really want — what you wish you could do if fear and risk weren’t in the equation.

If I cut you a check for one million dollars, what would you do?

What would change? What is your first decision, your first action, your quickest impulse?

Write it down.

The true obstacle is rarely money or resources or time.

Be honest about your focus and intention.

Now go, set audacious goals, and make something happen.

Practice not perfect

Showing up requires a level of greatness.

You may not want to, you may be busy, you may tell yourself you’re not capable — but your effort, your trying, your beginning


That’s where the magic happens.

It’s not the perfection. It’s not even the win.

What do you gain in the doing? How do you grow along the way?

How to create your future

Last weekend my team and I organized the first free outdoor film festival in Pokhara, Nepal. From crowdfunding to logistical planning, we spent months outlining how the event would run. Through hard work, grit, and perseverance, we turned what was once a dream into reality: Over 400 attendees enjoyed films in three different locations throughout the city. Popcorn, prizes, and toys were distributed. People who had never stepped foot in a movie theater were inspired by Rocky, Titanic, and Pocahontas. The smiles were priceless. And it was all set beneath starlight skies.

Plenty of times along the way we could have given up. When we first launched our crowdfunding campaign, I spent several days riddled at home with anxiety, wondering how and if we were really able to pull this off. We could have let frustration win when we were sent to yet another government office for another stamp or another signature. We could have shrugged our shoulders and moved on to another idea when we were questioned, “What is this? Who watches movies outside?” or asked about the motive of our program. We could have quit when we were laughed at.

But we didn’t. Even when we knew people were watching us, hoping we’d fail, we kept going.

And that, my friends, is how you create your future. You keep going.

When the naysayers doubt your dreams, even when you doubt your own abilities, keep going.

Your future is ready for you to create it.

How do you want to be known?

A lot of people are searching.

We’re questioning the ways things are done and how they are run, the notion of work, the ways in which we live, and the relationships we invest our time in.

We’re actively searching for meaning, for what makes us happy and how we can have an impact — whether helping ourselves or helping others.

No matter where you are along this journey, I’d like to encourage you to “check in” every so often, to make sure your daily decisions are contributing to a life of joy and generosity.

Actively work to create moments and accomplishments you’re proud of, regardless of fame or fortune. Because in the end, your essence and your passion is how people will remember you.

What you leave behind matters most.

Modified from original post found here.

Guilt is worthless (mostly)

Guilt can be split into two faces: The kind that is paralyzing and negative, a harmful state that serves nothing and no one; and the kind that can help you fix what is broken.
The first kind, for obvious reasons, is worthless. This kind of guilt will trick you into thinking you are worthless. It robs you of your most present and precious moments and kills your confidence.
The second kind, however, can be a gift. This one can push you into unexpected growth. Instead of living in shame, this guilt prompts action. It can apologize for wrongdoings and set wheels into motion. New behaviors, evolved patterns, inspired creative projects.
Don’t fall victim to the first kind. If you find yourself wallowing in that direction, force yourself to turn the corner and see what good can come out of a tricky emotional experience.

Time to rest

With expectations from work and family, one of the biggest challenges entrepreneurs face is deciding when to push and when to rest.

Drawing lines and setting boundaries can be difficult with so many demands, yet rest can be an asset to your schedule and goals, providing the inspiration and stamina needed to finish tough projects and tackle new challenges.

Rest days aren’t just for athletes. Pay close attention to your mind and emotional states throughout the day. Aside from feeling tired or sluggish, your body will tell you when it is craving extra TLC.

Any time you create for rejuvenation and relaxation will come back to you tenfold. Your body and mind will thank you, and your work and relationships will benefit from the added spark you bring back with you. Enjoy.