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Small business owners have heart

Small business owners have a lot of heart. This can make decisions — especially when it comes to business particularly challenging.

Whether you’re thinking about scaling, setting up processes, or building a sustainable community, remember to consider what works for you. Your business is a diamond, and each aspect is a facet: content marketing, hiring, planning, YOU. Nurture yourself just as much as the business you’re building and creating and growing.

Entrepreneurship is a long road, and the destination isn’t always certain.

Feeling exposed is okay. Sit in those moments long enough to see if you can find opportunity.

Feeling overwhelmed is normal. Reach out for help or look for ways to make your life easier.

How can I support you? Reach out.

brown wooden arrow signed

When you’re uncertain

You’re not sure which path to choose, which relationship to nourish, when to say yes, how to say no. You’re worried about picking the “best” option or the “right” road — or worried you’re missing the bigger picture altogether.

Do you think you might fail? Look how far you’ve already come.

Somehow, someway, there is always a net waiting:

The right people at the right time, the perfect opportunities falling into your lap.

There are no mistakes or wrong choices.

An end is never an end; it’s an opening, a portal to something new.

(“Something new” might be better or worse; it’s up to you.)

Minds are powerful and creative. Savor your options.

A Coaching Question

Write down 6 words you’d use to describe yourself.

Now take a good, hard look at the words you’ve listed.

Is this who you want to be?

The way we see ourselves directly impacts the decisions we make on a daily basis. Sometimes an adjustment in perspective needs to take place before change can occur.

Bonus: I’m taking on two more coaching clients. Get in touch to see if coaching is right for you.

Converting risk into opportunity

Risk is often associated with negative consequence and bad bets. Yet sometimes risk can bring opportunity, growth, confidence, and responsibility. The right risk-taking behaviors build self esteem and self-efficacy, the belief in your own ability to perform and create change. Positive risk-taking encourages you to take control over your own life.

Examples of risk converted into opportunity:

  • Investment
  • Taking steps, however small, toward your dreams
  • Personal growth
  • A business idea
  • Making change: Lifestyle, approach, identity
  • Initiating conversation at the supermarket
  • Creative endeavors
  • Relationships

For risk-taking to become positive, potential benefits and consequences must be fully explored. Evaluating your priorities and potential can help identify the resources available to you as you draw up strategies to minimize negative outcomes. This work can be time consuming — but worth it.

Some questions to ask:

  • What are the reasons for taking this risk? Am I responding to a situation or taking a proactive approach?
  • What are my experiences with risk? What is my understanding of it?
  • Outline actions that could be risky. What are the possible positive outcomes? Clearly define the risks are you going to take and describe the ideal responses from these actions.
  • Consider any negative repercussions, including the likelihood of these things happening.
  • What safety nets already exist? Are there any you can create?

Letting go: A skill

Most people hold onto relationships or situations longer than necessary. Stability is appealing, and change is hard. Loyalty has the potential to be faulty, however, and should be reserved for situations that show promise and potential. Even reciprocity.

We have limited energy to share. Learning to discard situations and environments with insight and discretion is a necessary skill. Maintaining energetic ties with people who are rude, mean, or unkind serves nothing and no one.

Releasing stale, stagnant people and places welcomes more power, more magic, more energy, and more love into your life. Though difficult, it is never too late to recognize and change behavior patterns.

That which you focus on is what will expand.