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Honor the quirk

With all the filters and editing software, it seems we are trying to do away with imperfections. Yet quirks are magnetic. Quirky elements are relatable and endearing — what stops a scroll and captures attention.

This post is an ode to the quirk. A reminder that something is worth doing even if it isn’t exceptional. That art can be created without the goal of perfection. That the greatest entrepreneurial attempts are often imperfect and messy when they begin.

Quirks can be fun and inspiring and a platform for something great.

Just for today, follow the quirks. Embrace them, and look for ways to use quirks in your favor.

Prompt: What quirks have unexpectedly served you? Tweet me @redheadlefthand.

crop man getting dollars from wallet

When your product is “FREE,” is it worth it?

Price isn’t simply an amount, it’s a representation. This is how good we are, this is why you should trust us, this is the commitment, this is the value you’ll receive.

Yes, FREE can help solidify a brand and attract customers. Maybe it can make selling easier. But unless you’re using “free” to establish consistent revenue, is it worth it?

When you circumnavigate hassle with a free label, you might sacrifice perception in return.

Free could just be an easy way out.

Practice not perfect

Showing up requires a level of greatness.

You may not want to, you may be busy, you may tell yourself you’re not capable — but your effort, your trying, your beginning


That’s where the magic happens.

It’s not the perfection. It’s not even the win.

What do you gain in the doing? How do you grow along the way?

A Coaching Question

Write down 6 words you’d use to describe yourself.

Now take a good, hard look at the words you’ve listed.

Is this who you want to be?

The way we see ourselves directly impacts the decisions we make on a daily basis. Sometimes an adjustment in perspective needs to take place before change can occur.

Bonus: I’m taking on two more coaching clients. Get in touch to see if coaching is right for you.

11 reasons to work for free

“Why do you work for free?”

I hear this question often, especially after having volunteered for five years in Nepal. Most creatives, freelancers, and entrepreneurs will face this very same question at some point in their careers.

Should I work for free? Should I participate in this unpaid project? Should I volunteer my time?

Working for free can come with many benefits. Here are my top nine:

  1. Connections
  2. Personal satisfaction
  3. Appreciation
  4. Experience
  5. Opportunity
  6. Exposure
  7. Growth and development
  8. Supporting something irreplaceable
  9. Building your resume
  10. Changing careers
  11. Exploring new interests

Yes, absolutely, work for free. But choose projects and commitments mindfully, with the utmost respect for your valuable time.

More reading:

5 ways to add magic to your life

1. Say yes.

To people, to adventures, to new experiences, to uncomfortable situations. Saying yes will help you unravel all that life has to offer. Remove “what ifs” from your imagination and stay open.

2. Love fully.

Love yourself whole-heartedly, love others willingly, love the circumstances life brings you. Loving keeps you humble, generous, and able to receive.

3. Search for something new.

Go to new places, eat different foods, listen to a variety of music and lectures and plays. Keep your mind broad and your interests vast.

4. Be grateful.

No matter the circumstance — positive, negative, lucky, misfortunate — pinpoint something to be thankful for and look for the lessons life wants to teach you.

5. Cultivate relationships.

Nurture bonds with your dearest ones. Take time to mentor others and listen to mentors of your own. Identify role models and borrow some of their lifestyle habits.

Life is meant to be unpacked, day by day and year by year. Each decade will carry new teachers and gifts to you, if you are ready to observe, listen, and fully participate.

Find magic today.