The magic of community (why dinners work)
“Wow! Truly special, wonderful conversations, learned about others, shared a lot, philosophized, laughed, so much fun. I’d love to do it again.” Another positive email from an enchanted dinner attendee.
You carry a unique story. When placed in a room with others, a collective energy forms. Add thought-provoking questions, topics that strip away pretense and ego, and humanity and commonalities emerge. Minds are sparked. Hearts are lit on fire.
I see the greatest momentum coming from those who recognize it isn’t just them. They recognize we’re in this together; we can encourage each another to create, explore, to make a dent in the world. Even when tragedy strikes, communities can rise up and build. Small moments — quiet dinners, smiles on a train, random acts of kindness — are collectively powerful.
Gestalt Theory claims the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. But it’s up to you to hold up your end of the deal.