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Honor the quirk

With all the filters and editing software, it seems we are trying to do away with imperfections. Yet quirks are magnetic. Quirky elements are relatable and endearing — what stops a scroll and captures attention.

This post is an ode to the quirk. A reminder that something is worth doing even if it isn’t exceptional. That art can be created without the goal of perfection. That the greatest entrepreneurial attempts are often imperfect and messy when they begin.

Quirks can be fun and inspiring and a platform for something great.

Just for today, follow the quirks. Embrace them, and look for ways to use quirks in your favor.

Prompt: What quirks have unexpectedly served you? Tweet me @redheadlefthand.

3 reasons to hire a professional coach

A good coach can help you level up, get inspired, and set goals you’ve been putting off for way too long. Yet “coaching” has become a saturated industry with a range of providers, from academically-trained professionals to Instagram influencers charging fees anywhere between $40 to $3,500 per session. How can you determine if a coach can help you and what should you be prepared for when you begin?

I’ve listed three ways in which the right coach can add value to your work and life:

  1. Confidence. A focused coach-client relationship can build confidence over time through task achievement, heightened goal setting behaviors, and improved self awareness. Confidence comes through accomplishment; the simple act of showing up to a coach session can boost esteem and feelings of productivity.
  2. Performance. Targeted questions can encourage even the most experienced professionals to measure and analyze their own performance. This, in turn, can maximize professional development and catalyze personal growth. Just as sports coaches help players succeed, business coaches can help clients “see the field” within specific industries and relevant verticals.
  3. Progress. From business to personal settings, stagnation can occur for a variety of reasons — boredom, lack of inspiration, the absence of motivation, ineffective routine. A coach can motivate clients to set and change patterns so progress can take place. Whether you’re trying to write a book or grow your business, use a coach to help you identify areas of opportunity and make plans to stay on track.

I take on a limited number of coaching clients. Send a message if you’d like to learn more.