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4 steps to change someone’s day

  1. Think of someone you admire or care for.
  2. Choose the medium: email, letter, message, text, napkin. It doesn’t have to be long, but write from your heart.
  3. Share how this person inspires you or what you appreciate about them. Consider including a fond memory.
  4. Close your note with something you’re thankful for.

Your message could change someone’s day (your own, too). I’m curious! Tell me what happens @redheadlefthand.

Follow your joy

2020 has been rough. What can help you forge ahead and start 2021 fresh? Notice your joy — and follow it.

Find places that bring smiles. Recognize moments that offer lightness and reprieve. Spend time with those who make you feel good.

If joy feels like a stretch right now, start with curiosity. Ask questions. Surprise a friend. Create magic for yourself. Say thank you.

Joy is waiting.

Take 5

Tell 5 people you appreciate them.

Think of 5 things you love about yourself.

Set aside 5 minutes to write.

List 5 goals you want to achieve by week’s end.

Check-in with 5 people who appear strong.

Remember 5 obstacles you’ve overcome.

Thank 5 service workers.

Choose 5 songs you can play the next time you feel anxious.

Invite 5 people to a Zoom call.

Bookmark 5 websites that inspire you.

Tape 5 quotes next to your workstation.

Make 5 calls to people who might be struggling.

Take 5 deep breaths.

Thank you

There’s strength and power in gratitude. Gratitude for self, gratitude for others, gratitude for challenges and successes and failures and opportunity.

When you learn to see gifts everywhere you look, your world expands.

Take time to recognize and honor the people and circumstances in your life. Thank those who have helped you along your journey.

Where you set your focus is where you will see growth.

The two most important words you can say today

Praise good work, hard work, reliable work, consistency and creativity — all of the things you’d like to see more of.

Compliment someone’s effort and acknowledge how they are making the world a better place.

Thank a friend, a colleague, a partner, a parent for the contributions they make.

And don’t hesitate to ask for the praise you need, either.

Dr. Laura Trice recommends you say these words more often: thank you.

Acceptance and a face tattoo

Last night I had a dream I got a tattoo. It was a big black tribal symbol winding down the side of my face and neck. Sometimes my hair would hide it, but no amount of accessories or clothing could conceal its dark lines. I spent most of the dream trying to come to terms with it and accept the fact I had this thing permanently etched onto my skin.

I’ve sat with NY Times bestselling authors, farmers in Nepal, Tibetan Buddhists, Wall Street sharks, Italian philosophers and millionaires from California. They all have one thing in common:

Everyone wants something.

I have yet to meet an individual who is 100% honestly, truly satisfied. Everyone has some benchmark they are trying to tip, some element of their life they wish they could change. This is life.

No matter where you are, who you are, how much money you have, or who sleeps next to you, there is something that could be better, easier, more exciting, different. This gap drives who we are and what we do. We spend so much time and energy building, creating, altering and striving that it seems against our nature to be satisfied.

Acceptance is one of those gold terms; if you nail it, you’re rich. Wealth comes from recognizing what cannot be changed and where there is opportunity (of self, of others, the good and bad of what life deals you). If you can work with what you have, you’re well on your way.